Architect [1978]. Dedicated visual artist, with past expositions of his drawings and watercolors. Professor at FAU Mackenzie [since 1993] and Belas Artes [since 1992]. Professor at UEL-PR [1984/1992]. Member of Technical Staff of CONDEPHAAT - Historic, Artistic and Archeological Council of São Paulo State Government. [1981/1986]. Founder member of Escola da Cidade.
Architect [1987], Master [1999] and PhD. [2010] degrees from FAUUSP. Professor in FAU Mackenzie [since 2000], where coordinates Mosaico, an academic architecture workshop. Has published and participated in congress, seminars and national and international expositions. Has experience with commercial centers and social housing.
Architect degree from FAAP [2002], with postgraduate degrees in computer graphics and animation at SENAC [2004] and urbanism at ETSAB-UPC [2006].
Architect degree from FAU Mackenzie [2010] where was director member of DAFAM [2006/2007]. Participated as student at XXIII Cartagena International Workshop - Colombia [2009]. As intern, collaborate on pratices Batagliesi Arquitetos + Designers and Estudio Tupi [2008]. Awared with Honorable Mention in 23rd Opera Prima Prize 2011, with his graduate project "Library and Rail Station of Mooca".
Architect degree from FAU Mackenzie [2008], postgraduate degree from Escola da Cidade at the course: "America Civilization: a view through architecture" [2010].
Architect degree from PUC-PR [2008].